Ultimate 8 minute Glutes workout

This exercise program is idea for riders with weak posterior glue med and glue min problems, otern you will feel lobs - sided in your pelvis when riding with increased pressure on one Iron or the other. Give this a try. 3-4 times a week in the evening or after riding. for a couple of moths and you will be amazed at the difference it makes. As always contact me for more information.


Do each exercise for 30 sec. Then immediately onto the next so the whole routine should take 4 mins each glute. And yes it does burn.

  • Clam – Side lying, feet together raise upper knee as if your knees were making the mouth of a clam.

  • Raised Clam – As above without you feet together the upper foot is free in the air and you must try to keep it still as you do the exercise.

  • Leg lift – Onto all fours the leg you are exercising extend behind you and raise it the air and pulse it there.

  • Pissing dog – On all fours abduct your leg out to the side with a bent knee as if your were a dog cocking his leg then back down again. Repeat.

  • Mid hold – Side lying working leg upper most and straight . Lift leg and externally rotate foot and hold.

  • Mid Pulse – As above but turn foot back to neutral and pulse up and down but not touching so no rest.

  • Post Pulse – As above but extend leg behind you and pulse.