Simple Trans Abs exercise

There has been a lot written by both S and C coaches and physiotherapist about the "Core" Muscles and how they interact and how best to stimulate them post injury. By stimulate I mean strengthen or restrengthen them. 

I am of the school of thought that post back injury the "Core" muscles and Trans Abs in-particular need active restrengthening in order to maintain a pain free back I do not believe they will "self strengthen" they need active participation from the injured party.  

I also believe the best way to strengthen them is with active exercises such as Swiss ball work. This is not always possible due to the condition of the injured person. So below I an going to give an explanation of a static Trans Abs exercise I have used to good effect in the past.

  1. Lye on your back with your legs bent and feet on the floor in the crook lying position.
  2. Place your fingers on your skin on the bony points at the front of your pelvis and move in 2cm and down 2cm so you are just above the Pubic line
  3. Now cough. As you cough you should feel a tightening under your fingers. This is your Trans Abs being stimulated into action. Now the key is to switch in on doing other activities so it can become an exercise you can easily do at home during your activities of daily living.
  4. Keeping your fingers in position take a breathe in and out as you breathe out force all the air out of your lungs and pull your belly button towards your spine now stop your self passing water or pull up your pelvic floor. You should now feel that same tightening under your fingers. 
  5. As you breathe again the tightening probably will go away. Now you must do the same technique but lower the effort to about 30% and try to keep breathing while keeping the muscles tight. This may take several attempts to do and take several weeks even months to master. 
  6. Once you have got it and can hold the tension for 5-10 seconds easily it is now time to try the exercise in other positions and with out you fingers feeling for the tension on your skin. So try it in standing or sitting or walking etc until it become part of your every day life and you can switch it on and off at will several times a day. 

This will help your lower back pain management for the rest of your life if you can maser this skill.  It is always best to go and see a physio such as Mid Cornwall physio for your first tutorial in this skill but after that you can self manage.

I hope this has been helpful if you wish to call me for further discussion on the topic do not hesitate to use the number on the website. Many thanks